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Wednesday, December 19, 2007

ASP.NET Ajax Control (TextBoxWatermarkExtender,ValidatorCalloutExtender)

Here I demonstrate how to use AJAX Control TextBoxWatermarkExtender and ValidatorCalloutExtender in ASP.NET.

< asp:TextBox ID="txtFname" runat="server"/ >
< asp:RequiredFieldValidator ID="rfvFname" runat="server" ErrorMessage="Enter First Name"
ControlToValidate="txtFname" Display="None" ValidationGroup="vgCheck"/ >
< ajaxToolkit:TextBoxWatermarkExtender ID="twFname" runat="server" TargetControlID="txtFname"
WatermarkText="Enter First Name"/ >
< ajaxToolkit:ValidatorCalloutExtender ID="vcFname" runat="server" TargetControlID="rfvFname"/ >
< br / >
< asp:Button ID="btnSubmit" runat="server" Text="Submit" ValidationGroup="vgCheck" / >

TextBoxWatermarkExtender : This Ajax control attached to Textbox control to get WaterMark behavior. When Textbox control is empty it display Watermark text.To attach TextBoxWatermarkExtender to TextBox set TargetControlId of TextBoxWatermarkExtender to particular TextBox.

Here,I set TargetControlID of twFname to txtFname and set WatermarkText for txtFname.
You can also use Css Class with watermark contol.

ValidatorCalloutExtender : This Ajax control enhances the functionality of existing ASP.NET validators. To use this control, add an input field and a validator control as you normally would. Then add the ValidatorCallout and set its TargetControlID property to reference the validator control.

Here, I use rfvFname RequiredFieldValidator control to validate txtFname TextBox control. To use ValidatorCalloutExtender I set TargetControlID to rfvFname RequiredFieldValidator.

So,both control TextBoxWatermarkExtender,ValidatorCalloutExtender ASP.NET AJAX Control is very easy to understand and use to it.

Saturday, December 8, 2007

Sending Email with ASP.NET 2.0

In ASP.Net 2.0 use System.Net.Mail class.

System.Net.Mail is the namespace used to send email if you are using the 2.0 (or higher) .NET Framework.

Unlike System.Web.Mail, which was introduced in the 1.0 Framework, it is not built upon the CDO/CDOSYS libraries. Instead it is written from the ground up without any interop. Thus, it is not dependant upon other COM libraries. System.Net.Mail introduces brand new classes for creating and sending email.

Although some functionality has been removed, the new System.Net.Mail namespace is much more versatile than the older CDO dependant System.Web.Mail.

Dim message As MailMessage = New MailMessage()
message.From = New MailAddress("", "From Name")

message.ReplyTo = New MailAddress("", "ReplyTo Name")

message.To.Add(New MailAddress("", "Name One"))
message.To.Add(New MailAddress("", "Name Two"))
message.CC.Add(New MailAddress("", "CC Name"))
message.Bcc.Add(New MailAddress("", "BCC Name"))

message.Subject = "Subject"
message.Body = "This is a plain text"
message.IsBodyHtml = False

'Priority property can have next values: Low, Normal and High.
message.Priority = MailPriority.Normal

Dim emailClient As New SmtpClient("")

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Dynamically Adding Meta Tags in ASP.NET 2.0

Custom Adding Title Tag :
Me.Header.Title = "Title Of Page Here"

Custom Adding Meta Tag :
Dim metaDescription As New HtmlMeta()
metaDescription.Name = "description"
metaDescription.Content = "A description of the page here."

Custom Adding Style :
Dim styles As New HtmlGenericControl("style")
styles.Attributes.Add("type", "text/css")
styles.InnerText = "p { font-weight: bold; }"

Dim style As New Style()
style.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Navy
style.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.LightGray
Me.Header.StyleSheet.CreateStyleRule(style, Nothing, "body")

Custom Adding Css Style:
Dim cssLink As New HtmlLink()
cssLink.Href = "styles.css"
cssLink.Attributes.Add("rel", "Stylesheet")
cssLink.Attributes.Add("type", "text/css")

Custom Adding Java Script:
Dim javaScript As New HtmlGenericControl("script")
javaScript.Attributes.Add("type", "text/javascript")
javaScript.InnerText = "alert('Hello World!');"

All the above code should be used within page Page_Load event

Sunday, December 2, 2007

Find ASP.NET Child Controls

To find out child control from parent control we use "$" acts as the delimiter.

Syntax for find out child control from parent control is parentControlID$childControlID.

Here, I give example to DefaultFocus attribute of the < form > element to set the focus to a TextBox nested within a FormView control.

< form id="form1" runat="server" DefaultFocus="vwTest$txtName" >
< div >
< asp:FormView ID="vwTest" runat="server" >
< ItemTemplate >
< asp:TextBox ID="txtName" runat="server"
Text='<%# Eval("FirstName") + " " + Eval("LastName") %>' / >
< /ItemTemplate >
< /asp:FormView >
< /div >
< /form >

Notice that the DefaultFocus attribute refers to the parent control first (the FormView) and then to the child control (the TextBox) using the vwTest$txtName syntax.

Find ASP.NET Child Controls

To find out child control from parent control we use "$" acts as the delimiter.

Syntax for find out child control from parent control is parentControlID$childControlID.

Here, I give example to DefaultFocus attribute of the < form > element to set the focus to a TextBox nested within a FormView control.

< form id="form1" runat="server" DefaultFocus="vwTest$txtName" >
< div >
< asp:FormView ID="vwTest" runat="server" >
< ItemTemplate >
< asp:TextBox ID="txtName" runat="server"
Text='<%# Eval("FirstName") + " " + Eval("LastName") %>' / >
< /ItemTemplate >
< /asp:FormView >
< /div >
< /form >

Notice that the DefaultFocus attribute refers to the parent control first (the FormView) and then to the child control (the TextBox) using the vwTest$txtName syntax.

Thursday, November 29, 2007

ASP.NET HyperLink & Mailto In Details View

First Try Out this below Hyperlink and watch Out Put :

< asp:HyperLink NavigateUrl="mailto:" Text=’< %# Bind(”Email”) % >‘ runat=”server” ID=”hlEmail”/ >

This leaves a hyperlink but with a blank mailto - i.e.

So I assume if I stick in the bind (or eval) text to the Navigate URL we should be good to go:

< asp:HyperLink NavigateUrl=’mailto:< %# Bind(”Email”) % >‘ Text=’< %# Bind(”Email”) % >‘ runat=”server” ID=”hlEmail”/ >

This gives me a link that is NOT clickable.

My next guess is that this has something to do with formatting string, sure enough it is: This is the solution that ended up working for me:

< asp:HyperLink NavigateUrl=’< %# Bind(”Email”, “mailto:{0}”) % >‘ Text=’< %# Bind(”Email”) % >‘ runat=”server” ID=”hlEmail”/ >

Useful Tips for Master Page Control access in Java Csript

When we use master page in ASP.Net it will append the Content Placeholder Id with the ID of the contained controls.i.e when there is a textbox with ID “txtAccountNumber” it will be rendered as “ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_txtAccountNumber” where “ContentPlaceHolder1” is the ID of the Content Placeholder of the Master Page. This makes us to use the ID “ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_txtAccountNumber” whenever we want to access it in JScript. We can access the textbox in Jscript like,

document.getElementById(' ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_txtAccountNumber ') ;

But the above scenario will leads to script error if we unknowingly change the ID of the ContentPlaceholder in master Page. So whenever we change the ContentPlaceholder ID we need to revisit all the Jscript code and change the corresponding ID’s. To prevent this rework we can register a hidden control from code behind which in turn will hold the client ID of the control.

Page.RegisterHiddenField("hdnAccountNoTextID", txtAccountNumber.ClientID);

Now we can make use of this hidden variable to get the client ID of the textbox in Jscript.

//gets the Client ID of the txtAccountNumber textbox
var AccountNoTextID = document.getElementById('hdnAccountNoTextID').value;

//Access the txtAccountNumber textbox
var AccountNoText = document.getElementById('hdnAccountNoTextID');

By doing this we can prevent the rework even if someone changes the ContentPlaceholder ID in future our script will be executing without any error.
The same scenario applies when we use a control inside user control.

Friday, August 31, 2007

MaxLength in TextBox control in ASP.Net

When I was use TextBOx with TextMode "MultiLine" and MaxLength "10".I can enter more than 10 characters. SO I use Java Script for that and it solve my problem.

JavaScript like this :

< script language="javascript" >
function limitCharsLength(Object, MaxLen)
return (Object.value.length <= MaxLen-1);
< /script >

and TextBox like this :

< asp:TextBox ID="TextBox1" runat="server" Height="173px" TextMode="MultiLine"
Width="369px" onkeypress="javascript: return limitCharsLength(this,5);"
onblur="javascript: limitCharsLength(this, 5)"
onchange="javascript : return limitCharsLength(this, 5)" >< /asp:TextBox >

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

ThumbNail Creation in ASP.Net

Creation of thumbnails from image in ASP.Net is very easy task.

Following are Steps to create thumbnails image in ASP.Net :

1)Read the Image using the method Image.FromStream() as,

Dim imInputImage, imThumbNail As Image

imInputImage = System.Drawing.Image.FromStream(imgUpload.PostedFile.InputStream)

here,imgUploadis the id of FileUpload Control.

2)Get the ThumbNail Image using the method GetThumbnailImage.

imThumbNail = imInputImage.GetThumbnailImage(100, 100, Nothing, System.IntPtr.Zero)

We can also specify the format of the Thumbnail image we want to save by,

imThumbNail.Save(Response.OutputStream, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Jpeg)

Some of the Formats can be,
Jpeg- System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Jpeg
Gif - System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Gif
Tiff- System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Tiff
Png - System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Png

Thursday, August 2, 2007

Page Directives in ASP.NET 2.0

Page directives configure the runtime environment that will execute the page. The complete list of directives is as follows:

@ Assembly - Links an assembly to the current page or user control declaratively.

@ Control - Defines control-specific attributes used by the ASP.NET page parser and compiler and can be included only in .ascx files (user controls).

@ Implements - Indicates that a page or user control implements a specified .NET Framework interface declaratively.

@ Import - Imports a namespace into a page or user control explicitly.

@ Master - Identifies a page as a master page and defines attributes used by the ASP.NET page parser and compiler and can be included only in .master files.

@ MasterType - Defines the class or virtual path used to type the Master property of a page.

@ OutputCache - Controls the output caching policies of a page or user control declaratively.

@ Page - Defines page-specific attributes used by the ASP.NET page parser and compiler and can be included only in .aspx files.

@ PreviousPageType - Creates a strongly typed reference to the source page from the target of a cross-page posting.

@ Reference - Links a page, user control, or COM control to the current page or user control declaratively.

@ Register - Associates aliases with namespaces and classes, which allow user controls and custom server

Folders in ASP.NET 2.0

There are seven new folders introduced in ASP.NET 2.0 :

\App_Browsers folder – Holds browser definitions(.brower) files which identify the browser and their capabilities.

\App_Code folder – Contains source code (.cs, .vb) files which are automatically compiled when placed in this folder. Additionally placing web service files generates a proxy class(out of .wsdl) and a typed dataset (out of .xsd).

\App_Data folder – Contains data store files like .mdf (Sql Express files), .mdb, XML files etc. This folder also stores the local db to maintain membership and role information.

\App_GlobalResources folder – Contains assembly resource files (.resx) which when placed in this folder are compiled automatically. In earlier versions, we were required to manually use the resgen.exe tool to compile resource files. These files can be accessed globally in the application.

\App_LocalResources folder – Contains assembly resource files (.resx) which can be used by a specific page or control.

\App_Themes folder – This folder contains .css and .skin files that define the appearance of web pages and controls.

\App_WebReferences folder – Replaces the previously used Web References folder. This folder contains the .disco, .wsdl, .xsd files that get generated when accessing remote web services.

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Event Life cycle of ASP.NET 2.0

The events occur in the following sequence. Its best to turn on tracing() and track the flow of events :

PreInit – This event represents the entry point of the page life cycle. If you need to change the Master page or theme programmatically, then this would be the event to do so. Dynamic controls are created in this event.

Init – Each control in the control collection is initialized.

Init Complete* - Page is initialized and the process is completed.

PreLoad* - This event is called before the loading of the page is completed.

Load – This event is raised for the Page and then all child controls. The controls properties and view state can be accessed at this stage. This event indicates that the controls have been fully loaded.

LoadComplete* - This event signals indicates that the page has been loaded in the memory. It also marks the beginning of the rendering stage.

PreRender – If you need to make any final updates to the contents of the controls or the page, then use this event. It first fires for the page and then for all the controls.

PreRenderComplete* - Is called to explicitly state that the PreRender phase is completed.

SaveStateComplete* - In this event, the current state of the control is completely saved to the ViewState.

Unload – This event is typically used for closing files and database connections. At times, it is also used for logging some wrap-up tasks.

The events marked with * have been introduced in ASP.NET 2.0.

Monday, June 18, 2007


SCOPE_IDENTITY, IDENT_CURRENT, and @@IDENTITY are similar functions in that they return values inserted into IDENTITY columns.

IDENT_CURRENT is not limited by scope and session; it is limited to a specified table. IDENT_CURRENT returns the value generated for a specific table in any session and any scope.

SCOPE_IDENTITY and @@IDENTITY will return last identity values generated in any table in the current session.

However, SCOPE_IDENTITY returns values inserted only within the current scope; @@IDENTITY is not limited to a specific scope.

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Stored Procedures Optimization Tips

Use stored procedures instead of heavy-duty queries.

This can reduce network traffic, because your client will send to server only stored procedure name (perhaps with some parameters) instead of large heavy-duty queries text. Stored procedures can be used to enhance security and conceal underlying data objects also. For example, you can give the users permission to execute the stored procedure to work with the restricted set of the columns and data.


Include the SET NOCOUNT ON statement into your stored procedures to stop the message indicating the number of rows affected by a Transact-SQL statement.

This can reduce network traffic, because your client will not receive the message indicating the number of rows affected by a Transact-SQL statement.


Call stored procedure using its fully qualified name.

The complete name of an object consists of four identifiers: the server name, database name, owner name, and object name. An object name that specifies all four parts is known as a fully qualified name. Using fully qualified names eliminates any confusion about which stored procedure you want to run and can boost performance because SQL Server has a better chance to reuse the stored procedures execution plans if they were executed using fully qualified names.


Consider returning the integer value as an RETURN statement instead of an integer value as part of a recordset.

The RETURN statement exits unconditionally from a stored procedure, so the statements following RETURN are not executed. Though the RETURN statement is generally used for error checking, you can use this statement to return an integer value for any other reason. Using RETURN statement can boost performance because SQL Server will not create a recordset.


Don't use the prefix "sp_" in the stored procedure name if you need to create a stored procedure to run in a database other than the master database.

The prefix "sp_" is used in the system stored procedures names. Microsoft does not recommend to use the prefix "sp_" in the user-created stored procedure name, because SQL Server always looks for a stored procedure beginning with "sp_" in the following order: the master database, the stored procedure based on the fully qualified name provided, the stored procedure using dbo as the owner, if one is not specified. So, when you have the stored procedure with the prefix "sp_" in the database other than master, the master database is always checked first, and if the user-created stored procedure has the same name as a system stored procedure, the user-created stored procedure will never be executed.

Use the sp_executesql stored procedure instead of the EXECUTE statement.

The sp_executesql stored procedure supports parameters. So, using the sp_executesql stored procedure instead of the EXECUTE statement improve readability of your code when there are many parameters are used. When you use the sp_executesql stored procedure to executes a Transact-SQL statements that will be reused many times, the SQL Server query optimizer will reuse the execution plan it generates for the first execution when the change in parameter values to the statement is the only variation.

Use sp_executesql stored procedure instead of temporary stored procedures.

Microsoft recommends to use the temporary stored procedures when connecting to earlier versions of SQL Server that do not support the reuse of execution plans. Applications connecting to SQL Server 7.0 or SQL Server 2000 should use the sp_executesql system stored procedure instead of temporary stored procedures to have a better chance to reuse the execution plans.

If you have a very large stored procedure, try to break down this stored procedure into several sub-procedures, and call them from a controlling stored procedure.

The stored procedure will be recompiled when any structural changes were made to a table or view referenced by the stored procedure (for example, ALTER TABLE statement), or when a large number of INSERTS, UPDATES or DELETES are made to a table referenced by a stored procedure. So, if you break down a very large stored procedure into several sub-procedures, you get chance that only a single sub-procedure will be recompiled, but other sub-procedures will not.

Try to avoid using temporary tables inside your stored procedure.

Using temporary tables inside stored procedure reduces the chance to reuse the execution plan.

Try to avoid using DDL (Data Definition Language) statements inside your stored procedure.

Using DDL statements inside stored procedure reduces the chance to reuse the execution plan.

Add the WITH RECOMPILE option to the CREATE PROCEDURE statement if you know that your query will vary each time it is run from the stored procedure.

The WITH RECOMPILE option prevents reusing the stored procedure execution plan, so SQL Server does not cache a plan for this procedure and the procedure is recompiled at run time. Using the WITH RECOMPILE option can boost performance if your query will vary each time it is run from the stored procedure because in this case the wrong execution plan will not be used.

Use SQL Server Profiler to determine which stored procedures has been recompiled too often.

To check the stored procedure has been recompiled, run SQL Server Profiler and choose to trace the event in the "Stored Procedures" category called "SP:Recompile". You can also trace the event "SP:StmtStarting" to see at what point in the procedure it is being recompiled. When you identify these stored procedures, you can take some correction actions to reduce or eliminate the excessive recompilations.


Friday, June 1, 2007

Date Time

Dim dtNow As DateTime = DateTime.Now

'Date OutPut : 6/1/2007 2:53:10 PM
Date Time :" + dtNow)

'Long Date : Friday, June 01, 2007
Long Date :" & dtNow.ToLongDateString())

'Short Date : 6/1/2007
Short Date :" & dtNow.ToShortDateString())

'Long Time : 2:53:10 PM
Long Time :" & dtNow.ToLongTimeString())

'Short Time : 2:53 PM
Short Time :" & dtNow.ToShortTimeString())

'Day Of Week : Friday
Day Of Week : " & dtNow.DayOfWeek.ToString)

'Day Of Year : 152
Day Of Week : " & dtNow.DayOfYear.ToString)

Dim nowdayofweek As Integer = dtNow.DayOfWeek
Dim weekStartDate, weekEndDate As DateTime

weekStartDate = DateAdd("d", 0 - dtNow.DayOfWeek, dtNow)
weekEndDate = DateAdd("d", 6 - dtNow.DayOfWeek, dtNow)

'Displays first day of the week : 03/18/2007
Start Date-->" & weekStartDate.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy"))

'Displays last day of the week : 03/24/2007
End Date-->" & weekEndDate.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy"))

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Imporve Performance Of Web Site

1. Maintain the position of the scrollbar on postbacks: In ASP.NET 1.1 it was a pain to maintain the position of the scrollbar when doing a postback operation. This was especially true when you had a grid on the page and went to edit a specific row. Instead of staying on the desired row, the page would reload and you'd be placed back at the top and have to scroll down.

2. Set the default focus to a control when the page loads: This is another extremely simple thing that can be done without resorting to writing JavaScript. If you only have a single textbox (or two) on a page why should the user have to click in the textbox to start typing? Shouldn't the cursor already be blinking in the textbox so they can type away? Using the DefaultFocus property of the HtmlForm control you can easily do this.

3. Set the default button that is triggered when the user hits the enter key: This was a major pain point in ASP.NET 1.1 and required some JavaScript to be written to ensure that when the user hit the enter key that the appropriate button on the form triggered a "click" event on the server-side. Fortunately, you can now use the HtmlForm control's DefaultButton property to set which button should be clicked when the user hits enter. This property is also available on the Panel control in cases where different buttons should be triggered as a user moves into different Panels on a page.

4. Validation groups: You may have a page that has multiple controls and multiple buttons. When one of the buttons is clicked you want specific validator controls to be evaluated rather than all of the validators defined on the page. With ASP.NET 1.1 there wasn't a great way to handle this without resorting to some hack code. ASP.NET 2.0 adds a ValidationGroup property to all validator controls and buttons (Button, LinkButton, etc.) that easily solves the problem. If you have a TextBox at the top of a page that has a RequiredFieldValidator next to it and a Button control, you can fire that one validator when the button is clicked by setting the ValidationGroup property on the button and on the RequiredFieldValidator to the same value. Any other validators not in the defined ValidationGroup will be ignored when the button is clicked.

Monday, May 28, 2007

String Functions in .NET

Several built-in string functions perform string manipulations to augment simple concatenation with the "&" operator.

Function in ASP.NET

Asc() Returns the character code of the first character of a string.

Asc("A") returns 65.

Chr() Returns the display character of a character code.

Chr(65) returns "A".

GetChar() Returns the character at a specified position in a string, counting from 1.

GetChar("This is a string", 7) returns "s".

InStr() Returns the starting position in a string of a substring, counting from 1.

InStr("This is a string", "string") returns 11.

InStrRev() Returns the starting position in a string of a substring, searching from the end of the string.

InStr("This is a string", "string") returns 11.

LCase() Returns the lower-case conversion of a string.

LCase("THIS IS A STRING") returns "this is a string".

Left() Returns the left-most specified number of characters of a string.

Left("This is a string", 4) returns "This".

Len() Returns the length of a string.

Len("This is a string") returns 16.

LTrim() Removes any leading spaces from a string.

LTrim(" This is a string") returns "This is a string".

Mid() Returns a substring from a string, specified as the starting position (counting from 1) and the number of characters.

Mid("This is a string", 6, 4) returns "is a".

Replace() Replaces all occurences of a substring in a string.

Replace("This is a string", " s", " longer s") returns "This are a longer string" (replaces an "s" preceded by a blank space).

Right() Returns the right-most specified number of characters of a string.

Right("This is a string", 6) returns "string".

RTrim() Removes any trailing spaces from a string.

RTrim("This is a string ") returns "This is a string".

Str() Returns the string equivalent of a number.

Str(100) returns "100".

Space() Fills a string with a given number of spaces.
"This" & Space(5) & "string" returns "This string".

StrComp() Compares two strings. Return values are 0 (strings are equal), 1 (first string has the greater value), or -1 (second string has the greater value) based on sorting sequence.

StrComp("This is a string", "This string") returns -1.

StrReverse() Reverses the characters in a string.

StrReverse("This is a string") returns "gnirts a si sihT".

Trim() Removes any leading and trailing spaces from a string.

Trim(" This is a string ") returns "This is a string".

UCase() Returns the upper-case conversion of a string.

UCase("This is a string") returns "THIS IS A STRING".

Val() Converts a numeric expression to a number.

Val( (1 + 2 + 3)^2 ) returns 36.

Mathematical Functions in .NET

Popular mathematical functions are summarized in the following table. Note that certain functions do not require the Math. prefix.

Mathematical Function in .NET

Math.Abs() Returns the absolute value.

Math.Abs(-10) returns 10.

Math.Ceiling() Returns an integer that is greater than or equal to a number.

Math.Ceiling(5.333) returns 6.

Fix() Returns the integer portion of a number.

Fix(5.3333) returns 5.

Math.Floor() Returns an integer that is less than or equal to a number.

Fix(5.3333) returns 5.

Int() Returns the integer portion of a number.

Int(5.3333) returns 5.

Math.Max() Returns the larger of two numbers.

Math.Max(5,7) returns 7.

Math.Min() Returns the smaller of two numbers.

Math.Min(5,7) returns 5.

Math.Pow() Returns a number raised to a power.

Math.Pow(12,2) returns 144.

Rnd() Returns a random number between 0 and 1. Used in conjunction with Randomizestatement to initialize the random number generator.

Math.Round() Rounds a number to a specified number of decimal places. Rounds up on .5.

Math.Round(1.1234567,5) returns 1.12346.

Math.Sign() Returns the sign of a number. Returns -1 if negative and 1 if positive.

Math.Sign(-5) returns -1.

Math.Sqrt() Returns the square root of a positive number.

Math.Sqrt(144) returns 12.